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Upcoming June events with APA-IL CMS

June 17th, 2016 Freehand Drawing and Visualization Workshop #3 (CM | 4) Back by popular demand, Bruce Bondy of Bondy Studio will be leading another series of workshops for planners and designers. A series of three workshops taught by an award winning Architectural Illustrator is for design professionals looking to develop fundamental drawing skills. Part 3 (Friday, June 17th, 2016) Quick Sketch Techniques. Topics covered: More information on perspective and more tips and techniques on creating quick sketch drawings that have clarity. We go deeper on the quick sketch skills with more time to focus and receive one on one feedback from the instructor. The goal of the workshop series is to have you reach this point of being comfortable and confident with quick sketch drawing. TO REGISTER AND FOR MORE INFORMATION: ------------------------------------------------------------ June 23rd, 2016 Building Community Resilience to Climate Change (CM | 2) From more frequent storms to hotter heat waves, climate change is already affecting our region. In this session, participants will learn about innovative strategies to prepare communities for a changing climate. In addition to gaining a better understanding of climate impacts in the Chicago region, participants will hear from three experts working at different scales of resilience planning. Aaron Koch, the City of Chicago’s new Chief Resilience Officer, will discuss the city’s efforts to build social, economic, and environmental resilience. David Leopold, the Director of Project Management at UI Labs, will highlight innovative approaches to resilient infrastructure planning. Lastly, Mary Mitros from DuPage County Stormwater Management, will speak about the County’s work to reduce flooding in local municipalities. The panel will be moderated by CMAP. TO REGISTER AND FOR MORE INFORMATION:

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