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2/13 - 2020 Webinar Series: CCAM Program Inventory - A Call to Coordination

Throughout 2020, staff from the federal agencies making up the Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM) will host webinars to highlight programs in the CCAM Program Inventory. CCAM works to provide solutions for the millions of Americans who lack access to reliable transportation due to disability, income or age.

Agencies across the government administer 130 federal programs that may fund transportation services for people with disabilities, older adults, and individuals of low income. However, these transportation services can be costly and fragmented due to lack of interagency collaboration. The CCAM partner agencies are hosting a webinar series to increase local, state and federal coordination to enhance accessible, efficient transportation options and address the most prevalent barriers to transportation.

Register for the February 13, 2020 CCAM webinar highlighting the Department of Health and Human Services’ programs. The webinar will run from 2-3:30 p.m. ET. The webinar is free but registration is required. Can’t attend? Completed presentations will be posted on the CCAM website.

Save the date for the second CCAM webinar to be held March 12, 2020 that will highlight Department of Transportation programs.

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